Archived truffle notes, and harvest observations from the 2017 season

21st September -last harvest completed

2017 Season Notes

  • Early September, some truffles with a few weeks till ripe remain, but survival depends on continued cold weather.
  • Late August, good truffle continuing..
    there was some substantial damage/loss from the warm spell early/mid August, but all orders/sales were easily filled & production now recovered -25/8
  • Great truffle continuing through August, & early September looks likely. Excess truffle supply going to manufacturing (above wholesaler's price offerings), and being ground for spore & other truffle improving experiments.
  • 16th to 19th, locate & harvest. Great truffles! but a lousy market
  • 10th to 12th, Severe frost damage showing on a few, but it also triggered ripening on many. with great aromas developing over 2-3weeks. We can detect ripening and estimate quality from 4 weeks.
  • A decent harvest 4th-6th July, properly ripe and start of higher volume production. initial 6-10kg. Unfortunately market trashed by price dumping. Exports mostly cancelled, only a portion shipped. This batch to be ground up or frozen.
  • Lani's on the job over the next few days for a survey. -1/6/2017
  • She's marked a couple that are nearly edible, dark, low aroma and a hint of flavour -2/6/2017
  • We hunted one third of trees today, with a couple of truffles taken for further evaluation (possibly worth eating, definitely not good enough to sell). Light aromas and colours are widely present, Our Truffle Season looks to commence properly within the next two weeks. Further surveys over weekend and early next week will give a better indication of release date. 15th June 2017]