Archived truffle notes, and harvest observations from the 2015 season

Previous 2015 truffle hunt observations listed below, as it's of some interest regarding the progression of our season in the Yarra Valley.

2015 Season

The 2015 truffle season ran throughout July & August, with a few final truffles for Father's Day in September. Cold May/June weather had surprisingly little effect on season start, with properly ripe truffles again commencing in early July. Weekly production continued to increase through July, and tapered off sharply after a mid-August warm spell.

A cool start to summer with sufficient rain kicked off the growth cycle well. February/March saw surface truffles start appearing and there was a 50% increase in the number of productive trees. There was also a nice harvest of hazelnuts.

2015 Observations

    • August: High volume harvest during first three weeks of August, which tapered off after hot weather.
    • Weekly harvest continuing on 29th. Indications are this will be the first full weekly harvest for the season, it has been increasing since the start of July. 75% remaining to be harvested Wed
    • Extreme frost on 19,20th July. Ground stayed chilled for days, great truffle weather.
    • Weeks harvest slowed by weather, Survey on 13th, Harvest; 14-15th.
    • Marketing in Valley Friday 10th. Will also harvest further few later Friday for the TM festival on Saturday. Orders being taken, especially for past hunt guests.
    • 8th July harvest -Over a kg for delivery Yarra Valley today, 9th July
    • Several kg was in first half of truffiere 7th July harvest
    • Second week in progress, 16hrs harvest, clean, grade for first portion, a long day
    • First week of harvest saw 2.3kg of truffle finally harvested, it was great to finally eat some, especially after 430 hours of work to date this year
    • 30th June 1kg taken, more left for Wednesday 1 July
    • 23-29th June. All known truffles assigned ID numbers for tracking development {60hrs}