Tried a few dishes over past week or two.
Truffle on steak seemed to be a bit of a waste, it sort of works with slices on top of steak the instant its finished cooking, but the steak tends to override the flavor, I felt it was more productive to make a truffled mash potato and serve that alongside the steak, which fortunately I had done at the same time anyhowÂ
(Edit Apr2012 -I’ve since read a suggestion to add olive oil to the top of the steak before lathering with truffle, so i’ll test again this season. Also it char-grilled rather than fried may not have helped either)
Pumpkin soup works quite well, enough cream to suspend the pumpkin and salt present to help taste the truffle, enjoy seeing the truffle melt into the surface of the soup
Note also, cooks privilege, trimmings from the truffle, in vodka shot takes about 10-20 minutes to get best flavour. (oops how did that full slice get in there)
Truffle slices in scallops, prior to a very quick searing, dont overcook the scallops. I wasn’t very impressed with this,
I feel the scallop neutralised the truffle flavour during cooking, Next time I’ll try pre slicing the scallops, and inserting the truffle after they are cooked. (the truffle was a little old too, too many infusions with poached eggs etc)
Truffled Parmesan Mushroom Rissotto. This was a superb success, the parmesan cheese was cut into 7mm thick slices and placed in a single layer between kitchen towel in the base of an airtight container with a truffle placed on top for a few days. Part was finely grated for topping, rest chopped fairly fine with a few larger chunks and stirred thru the mushroom rissotto after it was cooked. The truffled parmesan enhanced the general mushroom flavour, with the larger pieces providing surprise strong truffle moments, and the shavings on top releasing a nice overall aroma.
It was a shame I forgot to buy some asparagus or green beans to include for a bit of colour  contrast.